lition energy exchange

The world’s first mass-market
P2P trading platform

lition energy exchange

The world’s first mass-market
P2P trading platform

Disrupting the energy sector by connecting customers and producers directly

The Lition Exchange platform is the embodiment of our vision for an open and direct energy exchange and the first use case for the Lition Energy Ecosystem. We simplify the legal, operational and economic hurdles for green power producers and allow customers to buy truly green electricity at an affordable price.

For a test run on the Lition Energy Exchange follow the below link and log in with these details:

User Name: demo
Password: demo1234

  • Today, customers and producers trade energy through the Lition Energy Exchange

  • Commercially available for all 41m German households.

  • Currently customers from more than 30 cities

  • Productive on Ethereum (now) and proprietary blockchain (soon)

  • Tangible user benefit: Consumers save 20% on their monthly energy bill, and producers generate up to 30% more profit

  • Truly green energy: Customers select the green power plant of their choice, not the utility

Start your green energy journey with Lition

Are you in Germany? Then you can become a Lition customer today.
Receive real green energy, pay lower prices and be a part of the revolution.

Start your green energy journey with Lition

Are you in Germany? Then you can become a Lition customer today.
Receive real green energy, pay lower prices and be a part of the revolution.

sign up

Our Motivation

Our Motivation

Lition CEO Richard Lohwasser says:

"I believe in a future where consumers pay fair prices for clean energy, where a bigger share of their money goes directly to the green energy providers and less to intermediaries and utilities. A future in which modern technologies radically shorten the supply chain to help achieve these lower costs.

We should live in a connected ecosystem in which prosumers, producers and smart grids work together in a decentralized, open environment without national boundaries..."